About us

Studio JV is a cross-cultural architectural practice led by João

3 offices
3 countries
+70 projects

Studio JV stands out for its sustainable vision in all projects, across all scales, programs and locations.

Our multicultural team, made up of diverse talents, collaborates strategically to create innovative projects.



Equipa Studio JV

João Vieira


With 20 years of international experience, João Vieira has contributed to various projects across Europe, North America and South America. He has lived and worked as an architect in cities such as New York, Copenhagen, Oslo, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Berlin, São Paulo and Lisbon.

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at Universidade Lusíada do Porto, he has also held a teaching position at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. His strategic and meticulous approach ensures that each project is executed with precision and efficiency across all phases.

João Vieira co-founded AO (Architects Office) in São Paulo and later established AOLX in Portugal.

“More than just designing buildings, we are committed to refining the processes leading to that end …”


FIL / Tektónica – Lisbon, Portugal
CUM., Centro Universitário do Minho – Braga, Portugal
Bienal Projecto Casa 2010, Exponor – Porto, Portugal
Post 2000 Talks, Galeria Luis Serpa – Lisbon, Portugal
ULL, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa – Lisboa, Portugal
KEA, Copenhagen School of Design and Technology – Copenhagen, Denmark
AHO, Oslo School of Architecture and Design – Oslo, Norway
UPC, Facultad de Arquitectura – Lima, Peru
Pecha Kucha – Porto, Portugal
UCAL – Lima, Peru
Residência Universitária SP – São Paulo, Brazil
ARQ-A – Portugal
Unicap, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco – Recife, Brazil
Jornal Construir – Lisbon, Portugal

Imagem do diretor António Fernandes, com barba e cabelos negros vestindo uma camisa negra.

António Fernandes

Director / Portugal

Imagem da diretora, com cabelos ruivos, sorrindo e vestindo um blazer preto.

Inês Gil

Director / Portugal

Juliana Bandeira

Juliana Bandeira

Director / Brazil and Portugal

Olivia Medeiros

Director / Brazil

Lilianne Dantas

Director / Brazil

Eugénio Cardoso

Director / Netherlands

Raphaell Valença

ID Director / Portugal

Cátia Sedas (LX)

Office Manager

Margarida Meda (LX)

Administration Assistant

Luis Bastos (LX)

I.T. Manager

Marcelo Oliveira (LX)

Project Controller

Priscilla Aguiar (LX / PE)

PR manager

Bernardo Remus (LX)

Graphic and Motion Designer

Paulo Cabral (LX)

Financial Director

Rosemeire Leite (LX)

Facility coordinator

Miguel Taborda (LX)

Project Leader

Alicja Krzeszewska (LX)

Project Leader

Camila Sampaio (PE)

Project Leader

Bryan Furtado (LX)

Project Leader

Ana Bresiani (LX)

Project Leader

Bruno Pascal (LX)

Project Leader

Raissa Teles (PE)

Project Leader

Bianca Cassundé (PE)

Project Leader

Rafael Cysneiros (PE)

Project Leader

Rubens Trajano (PE)

Project Leader

Paula Andreo (LX)

Project Leader

Juliana Possatto (LX)

Project Leader

Soraia Pereira (LX)

Project Leader

Rita Duque (LX)

Project Leader

Joaquim Pott (LX)

Project Leader

Inês Estorninho (LX)

Project Leader

André Pinto (LX)

Project Leader

Giulia Sgarbi (LX)

3D Architect

Catarina Correia (LX)


Matheus dos Reis (LX)

3D Architect

Miguel Brito (LX)

3D Architect

Rodrigo Amorim (LX)

3D Architect

Bruno Veiga (LX)


Gabriela Motter (LX)

ID Architect

Lucas Davidson (LX)


Alexia Fric (LX)


Bruno Staudt (LX)


Lucas Pessoa (LX)


Inês Naré (LX)


Rebeca Araújo (LX)


Camilla Tostes (LX)


Caio Santos (LX)


Alan Damásio (PE)


Sofia Araujo (PE)


Lucas Lisboa (PE)


Thais Albuquerque (PE)


Marina Sá (PE)


André Calado (PE)


Erika Almeida (PE)


Carolina Glasner (PE)


Juliana Lira (PE)


Ruan Lima (PE)


Yuri Carvalho (PE)


Thayná Nascimento (PE)


Marcos Silva (PE)


Willianne Rodrigues (PE)


Paula Torres (PE)


Maria Eduarda Duarte (PE)


Josiel Melo (PE)


Rafaela Ascoli (PE)


Our fundamentals

  • 1.


    The ultimate aim of each project is invariably anchored in architectural excellence. Irrespective of the program’s intricacies, scale, location and overall conditions, we delve into a multitude of possibilities with the ambition of achieving the optimal design. Our approach transcends technical specifications by seamlessly integrating conceptual elements in a synergistic and innovative manner.

  • 2.


    We are committed to meticulous process planning. A seamless, continuous process spanning multiple project phases ensures an efficient coordination of expectations among all participants, including clients, public authorities, collaborators and contractors. The quality of the project is an organic outcome of the intelligence embedded within the process.

  • 3.


    Sustainability stands as a central pillar of our work. We strive to identify and implement sustainable solutions into every project, regardless of its scale, program or location; whether it’s a high-rise building or a master plan, a public space or a private residence. From energy efficiency to ecological considerations, from cost-effectiveness to construction technologies, we prioritize the use of sustainable resources across all facets or our projects.

    Notably, the incorporation of timber as a structural element represents an indispensable aspect of our commitment towards achieving constructional balance.

  • 4.


    Frequent challenges from fluctuations in raw materials to construction methods, from regulatory frameworks to communication strategies, drive us to embrace technology as a central part in our operations. The synergy between parametric intelligence systems and design rationality boosts our innovative approach and enables us to achieve tighter and more precise control over design decisions.

  • 5.


    Effective communication is the cornerstone of every project, fostering collaboration among all parties toward a shared goal. Our team is composed of dedicated and versatile professionals who understand the importance of professionalism and commitment. We prioritize a collaborative approach that enables us to develop optimal solutions and channel the necessary energy to transform challenges into opportunities.

  • 6.


    We value an in-depth understanding of the expectations tied to each project in order to find creative and technical solutions that push the boundaries of traditional architecture.

    We focus on efficient solutions embracing crucial parameters such as plan effectiveness, cost, structure and façade performance.

